Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Our Nurse Practitioner, Dana Bird, is an experienced nurse who has completed additional training to be able to assess, examine and treat a wide range of conditions and provide prescriptions. Appointments for Dana are available Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please ask a member of our reception team if you would like to book an appointment.
Nurse Practitioner
Our Nurse Practitioner, Doreen Davies, is an experienced practice nurse who has completed additional training to be able to assess, examine and treat a wide range of conditions. Appointments for Doreen are available each morning between 8.45 am and 12.00 noon. Please ask a member of our reception team if you would like to book an appointment.
Practice Nurses
Our highly trained Practice Nursing team, Doreen, Louise and Danni are able to carry out practice nursing procedures and can also offer information and guidance on a wide range of topics. Appointments are available between 8.30am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday. Please ask at reception for availability.
- Asthma, COPD & Diabetes – regular monitoring and advice
- Heart Disease – regular monitoring and advice, also advice on how to prevent heart disease
- Vaccinations – including tetanus, influenza, pneumonia, childhood and holiday vaccinations. Not all holiday vaccinations are available free under the NHS
- Women’s health – cervical smears and advice on breast self-examination, menopause, etc.
- Older person – an annual check-up is recommended for patients over 75 years of age.
Minor Ailments and Minor Injuries
Our Practice Nurses have been specially trained to provide advice and treatment for a number of minor ailments and minor injuries including;
- Coughs, colds and sore throats
- Diarrhoea and vomiting
- Rashes – including sunburn, cold sores, athlete’s foot etc.
- Water infections & thrush (female patients only)
- Minor injuries not amenable to simple home first aid
- Head lice
- Hayfever
- Emergency contraception
Healthcare Assistants
Our Healthcare Assistants, Maureen, Joanne and Lysa have been specially trained as technicians to support the work of the clinical team members by carrying out new patient checks, reviews and a wide variety of practical test procedures.
Having this support enables us to make best use of the skills of all of the clinical team and improves access to practice and district nursing clinics. Please speak to a member of our reception team if you wish to book an appointment.
Our Healthcare Assistants also offer a smoking cessation clinic here at the surgery. Please ring reception on (0191) 548 3635 to book this appointment and complete the Smoking Cessation Form to either hand into reception before your appointment or bring with you on the day.
District Nurses
Our team of district nurses provide home nursing care and also provide he following services from nearby Southwick Health Centre HUB:
- Removal of stitches
- Wound care
- Changing dressings.